...the "Lagoon Monster"

Cavallino Treporti, Venezia February 26, 2011
Romina Salvadori wears a incredible bracelet with a vibrant fiber-optics by GUALTI
realized expressly for the performance the "Lagoon Monster".
( http://www.ilmostrodellalaguna.it/eng/characters/the-voice.php )
The "Lagoon Monster" can be heard from faraway.
Its language, made of infra- and ultrasound, re-echoes form the silence of the lagoon depths, emerging from the depths of the sea and only occasionally it can be perceived by the human ear.
A deep whisper comes out from water; it's a hollow, harsh and visceral sound that spreads through the immense and immobile expanse of the lagoon water.

Between a squeak and celestial harmony, among corals and fine spheres, the monster speaks its timeless and dimensionless alphabet. n the slow and inexorable movement of water, the Voice of the monster let itself hear, as developed by Romina Salvadori, Fulvio A.T. Renzi, Massimiliano Lupo and Emanuele Wiltsch Barberio, musical performers who try to interpret the monster's ancestral and instinctive language by celebrating its arrival into our world.